Or maybe I should call this “1 thing I noticed that made me laugh about list posts since mostly they’re overused except for David Letterman and what you should do instead.”
I noticed this article in my Daily Smart Brief for Social Media email today about the over use of the List Post format in Blogs. It’s called The One Reason You Read So Many List Posts. I very much agree with Jay Dolan about this. There have got to be better ways to title and promote your content without using lists all the time (the Bad way). Really, the only place I still like them is when Letterman uses them (the Good way).
Speaking of which, here’s the one from yesterday:
Top Ten Ways To Mispronounce Muammar Qaddafi
10.Mallomar Cookie9.Milli Vanilli8.Grande No-Foam Latte7.Live! with Regis and Kelly6.Lady QaQa5.Mumizzle Qadizzle4.Mouthful of Taffy3.Kathy Mavrikakis2.Qadaffi Duck1.Qarmelo Anthony
Ok, to be fair, sometimes List Posts do have their place and can be beneficial. I do also like them when they’re on a topic that I think I know at least something about and then getting some quick, new insight is pretty nice. But, you can also tell when bloggers are just looking for some quick, cheap and easy Google Juice.
Anyway, this post really didn’t start out to discuss the List Post, nor was it supposed to head down the Letterman tangent. Really, I thought that the email I got from Daily Smart Brief displayed the article in a somewhat ironic way (the Irony way) that I wanted to share. See it below:
So, Let’s be creative and start looking for additional ways to promote your content. And to be fair, I’ve done it too and am not proud of it. Maybe I should’ve call this post “2015 characters to support my point that you shouldn’t use List Posts for everything.”
I think my next article will be called: “Three ways I’ll stop using List Posts to drive content.”
And I’ll have it celebrity-Tweeted by Garfield, Hobbes and Marmaduke.