This is a solid testing strategy for Creative Sandboxing for Facebook Ads.
I’ve used this one a lot and even started to modify it on my own for different needs. This version is the original and it’s pretty simple.
We assume you have a primary scaling campaign that you use to drive a significant amount of conversions.
We also assume this is probably a broad campaign these days, but it could be something else.
The first step is to duplicate that campaign.
Second step is to turn off all ads in that duplicated campaign, or better yet, just remove them to keep it clean and simple.
Next, add 5 NEW ads to this campaign. (We’ll have another post shortly on “How to create different ads for testing”)
Give this new campaign 10% of the original budget, or at least $100/day.
Let it run for up to 7 days, or less if you have clear winners sooner.
When you find your clear winners, by whatever metrics are important to you (purchases, Leads, ROAS, CPA, CPM, etc), take those Ad IDs and copy them into your scale account.
(If you’ve got a DCO ad, see this post )
It might be 1 or 2 or 3 ads that are winning, and ideally doing better than some of the ads in your scale account.
When you move them over to your scale campaign, pause the underperformers in that campaign.
Then do it again with 5 new ads.
To get a clear picture of this, see the attached graphic.
If you’re wondering what to do with the ads you didn’t move, at some point you could take the losers of several tests and run them against each other, but I wouldn’t necessarily suggest it – at least not right away – since they were losers.
But, times change. Ads that don’t work this month might work better next month.
Let me know your favorite way to run a test and we’ll go over it in detail and share our findings. Also, let me know if you’d like us to run some tests for you in your campaigns.