Several months ago I was contacted by Jackie Flynn about my experience with internet safety for kids, the book I wrote about it and presentations that I give to parents, teachers and students. Her goal was to create a podcast for her series Parenting in the Rain.
The podcast came out really well! Jackie has a great podcast series that I highly recommend listening to, especially, this one on internet safety for your kids!
Here is her summary of the talk:
In This Episode: Internet safety is really more about the relationship with our children than it is about the technology. It’s important to know more than our kids about the internet. It’s like teaching our kids how to drive – teaching them the specifics, then giving them expectations, and then moving forward with trust. Training our kids how to be safe on line is so important. Teaching them how to navigate the internet responsibly is key! The child/parent relationship is so important! Mark recommends teaching children to come to their parents when they see things on the internet about which they are unsure of, embarrassed, or nervous. We want our children to know at the core of their being – who they are.
You can listen to the entire podcast, and read some of the best highlights here: