This is a great article from User Experience Engineering. Basically, it says that when a large online retailer removed the requirement to create an account upon purchase, their sales (conversion rate) skyrocketed! They changed the store so creating an account was no longer a requirement, but an option, with the option to continue to purchase […]
Interactive Marketing
Growing interactive marketing budgets
Lately I’ve noticed a trend towards more clients and potential clients interested in internet marketing. This makes me happy. I often tell people that while your website may not be the prettiest, if it works, then lets look at what we can do to increase traffic and conversion. We’ll look and see where the holes […]
New Interactive Apple ad on
Right now there’s a cool, new interactive ad for Apple staring the Mac and PC guys on by their agency, TBWA/Chiat/Day. It’s a follow up to another interactive ad they did a while back. If you get a chance today to see it, look fast as I bet it won’t last long. It’s interesting, […]