Often we see people promoting their businesses saying they can get you insane Facebook Ads ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) numbers when you use them for your ads. But is it really possible? In certain circumstances, yes, but as the old saying goes, if it’s too good to be true… Many of us Ad Buyers […]
Cost per Acquisition & Conversion
How to Lose Over $100,000 with your Website in 4 months
It’s true. $100,000 is a lot to lose in 4 months, but that is the case. In fact, it’s a conservative estimate. I’ll show you how that happened and do the math below. A while ago, a company I’ve worked with decided to combine their online store with the company that provided their brick and mortar […]
A couple recent articles that caught my attention recently have to do with the term “brick-and-click,” used fairly often in Advertising Age and in this recent article ( How Walmart Owns the Concept of Value Online ) from the digital issue (a really good one, btw.). And in the article from PROMO, called: The Convergence […]
American Idol, Coke and AT&T… Oh, and Ford…
I was watching Idol tonight with 100 million other people and remembered an article I read in Advertising Age about it’s brand marketing.  I have one question. What brand is on the judge’s glasses on the table? I’m sure you all guessed correctly that it’s Coca Cola. From the article: The biggest TV success in […]
Internet Marketing Budgets, cont’d
So what about that budget? If you’re starting a brand new site that has no traction and no one knows about it at all, your probably going to need to spend more to start than if you’re an established web property. It also depends somewhat on your product or service, and if you have a […]