In the internet world, there’s a strong polarity between companies that create “Proprietary” software that is kept secret, developed by employees and that you have to pay for and “Open Source” software that is written by contributors around the world and is given away.  Shawn Coyne authored an article on, called The Bubble Men that pretty […]
Email Newsletter Follow Up
The other day, I was asked by a client about what I thought about their current email newsletter and whether they should convert it to a blog. They send about twice a year and obviously, don’t have a huge response. Nor do they have a lot of subscribers, about 500 or so. They are one of several schools I’ve worked with and I thought I’d share some of my thoughts that I shared with them.
Is Your Website Still Useful and Important?
For a couple years now I’ve been feeling the need to not promote building traditional websites anymore, but instead to help clients be part of the conversation around their product and let that lead them to what they need to do online. Back when we started building websites more than 13 years ago, they were […]
WordPress upgrade to 2.8
I really like WordPress. I’ve used a few of the popular content management systems (CMS), like Joomla and Drupal, and even built a few of our own, but WordPress is my favorite. And this latest upgrade of WordPress from 2.7. to 2.8 (called Baker) is really nice. WordPress was already leaps and bounds ahead of […]
How to get your blog to rank higher in Google
A couple days ago, I wrote about 14 tips for writing your tweets or blogs, the 14th being my own addition that I think obviates the need for most of the other 13. Here’s another post that makes complete sense along the lines of number 14, which I believe is the most important and is […]
Facebook Suicide?
Recently I’ve had several friends tell me that they’re not using facebook as much as they used to or anymore.  My brother keeps talking about “facebook suicide,” a term I first heard from him. Basically it means he would unfriend everyone or just turn his account off and walk away. He hasn’t done that yet, […]