Many of you have may have heard the old saying that the 1st impression is the most important… So it is with websites. In terms of development, if you can’t get someone’s interest in the first 5 or 10 seconds, you’ve lost them. Likewise, with search engines, the first thing they see is usually your […]
SEO for your site
How do you SEO your site? Well, the basics begin with research. Obviously, you know your product, but it’s worth it to spend some time researching your product or service from your customer’s point of view. Finding out what they’re looking for will make it easier to create keywords. Once you feel comfortable about your […]
How to start marketing?
There are many facets of Internet Marketing, and, in my opinion the building blocks of a good marketing strategy is having a site that has well thought out content and keywords. Without this, you may get spikes of traffic via other vehicles, but it’ll be just that, spikes. Generating good keywords, meta tags, title tags, […]
Marketing Budgets…
I would rather see my clients ratchet back their website development to save some money for marketing. If you can cut your development budget by 25% and get the basics of what you need to do business online, then I believe you have saved enough to start some serious online marketing.
Internet Marketing Budgets, cont’d
So what about that budget? If you’re starting a brand new site that has no traction and no one knows about it at all, your probably going to need to spend more to start than if you’re an established web property. It also depends somewhat on your product or service, and if you have a […]
Internet Marketing vs Web Development
What’s more important for your internet marketing? How should you spend your money? Lately, we’ve seen people spend thousands of dollars on a website and then not be willing to spend any on their internet marketing. It’s sort of equivalent to moving into a brand new big house and then not telling anyone you moved. […]