And, how to have it cost you $13,000 in 11 days Yes, it’s possible and it happened to one of my former clients. It’s a very simple story, with a very simple solution. Unfortunately, they opted to stay with their current course. Their losses aren’t as great as this former client’s losses, but they are […]
Web Development
Getting Stuck in the Weeds
The other day on a mission for Alpine Rescue Team, while we were standing around waiting with nothing to do (which occasionally happens) another team member came up to me and started talking about his WordPress site he’s been working on for a while. He slowed down posting articles and then stopped altogether because his […]
Complex Problems Require Simple Solutions
I’ve been working with a client on a particularly sticky web / marketing problem that involves many books and different types of users that will be looking for and accessing information in different ways for different purposes. It’s definitely not a typical site with typical solutions. But, it’s very similar to ones I’ve worked on […]
WordPress upgrade to 2.8
I really like WordPress. I’ve used a few of the popular content management systems (CMS), like Joomla and Drupal, and even built a few of our own, but WordPress is my favorite. And this latest upgrade of WordPress from 2.7. to 2.8 (called Baker) is really nice. WordPress was already leaps and bounds ahead of […]
Solving the Conversion Problem
This is a great article from User Experience Engineering. Basically, it says that when a large online retailer removed the requirement to create an account upon purchase, their sales (conversion rate) skyrocketed! They changed the store so creating an account was no longer a requirement, but an option, with the option to continue to purchase […]
SEO for your site
How do you SEO your site? Well, the basics begin with research. Obviously, you know your product, but it’s worth it to spend some time researching your product or service from your customer’s point of view. Finding out what they’re looking for will make it easier to create keywords. Once you feel comfortable about your […]